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ShunGu X Groovisionary - Interview

Louis ShunGu is a belgium beatmaker based in Bruxelles, we met him a couple of months ago and we instantly appreciate his style on the beats: he's part of the incredible number of good producer that we follow on Soundcloud, and release after release, beat after beat we listened to him and started to think about an interview. Now it's a reality, we joined him virtually and talk as usual about the art of make a beat.

He's a good guy, we can just say thanks to him for disposability and advise everybody about his releases. Check out the astrological series of EPs with Hot Record Société, the last release with Cosmic Composition and follow him on Soundcloud. 

Support from Italy to ShunGu, have a good time bro, we see you!


1. Which was your first contact in absolute with hip hop culture? (like tags on walls and
trains, b-boy’s dance etc.etc.)

It was Mc Solaar, its a french mc, he was the first guy to give me that hip hop love... 

2. Did you start from the beginning to make beats or did you try to express yourself
artistically through a different way? Not only considering hip hop culture. 

Yeah, I used to do graffiti for three years, but I've stopped and I needed to replace it by something else, something not illegal, haha. Now I can do whatever I want without having problems. 

3. Which is your basilar setup for make a beat currently? How did it change whit the time?
Do you have any basic parts that you can do without? 

I've first start making beat on midi synth, one year, then I've bought that 2000XL and it was so easy to make a beat so I just never stopped.

4. About sampling, which kind of music do you prefer to sample from (genre, year)? Do
you like to describe us any particular technique that you appreciate a lot, or just how do you
cut and modify your samples for a beat which keeps your flavor? 

I love sampling any type of music that I like, it can be anythings … but I'm definitely a jazz lover, I cut my sample with my ears, I just follow my ears.

5. About drums, do you sample it or use drum kits? Tell us how do you prepare your drums,
if you like a specific process for layering and modify your kits, compression and
equalization of your breaks and single kicks, snares etc. etc.
If possible, explain us how you create your drum patterns, if you use sometimes directly a
drum break, and how you like to insert it in the song.
Practically, whatever you like to share about your drum’s preparation. 

I never used drum kit, I get my drums from everywhere, I try to get that in vinyl when I can.
I'm a simple man, I always start with kick, snare, hat and try to get some groove, always start with the drums. I like also to use drum loops from a funk/jazz/soul/rock records. Some original shits...

6. About compression and equalization of your tracks, do you use any external interfaces?
Can you describe us comp and eq in your tracks, how do you set them and how do you like
that your beats sounds? If you work with external engineers, what you think about it and
where generally you work and produce your music. 

I use the side chain in almost every track, and I trust my ears for it mixing the tracks on Logic Pro with some plug-in. And I got the Rme Fireface as interface. 

7. About live set, how do you play the music? 

I play with SP404 when I'm performing my beats, but I also love to dj as well. 

8. Which are your main music influences? Which is the musician who represent thgreatest
inspiration for yourself? Currently, who are your favorite producers and musicians (not only
about Hip Hop music)? 

It's probably Dilla who gives me that beat love. Now I'm more listening to more modern producers like Knx, Mndsgn, Matt Martians, Ohbliv, SNK…. 

9. Why did you start to collaborate with Hot Record Société? Tell us whatever you like to
share about the astrological series of tapes that you are releasing almost monthly with

It was a project I just tought 8 months ago I wanted to see my evolution during one year.
The next one is special one with 14 unreleased tracks… 

10. Do you like to feature with other producers for a two-headz beat? Tell us something
about collaboration with Paris-based producer SNK∆, with whom you release few weeks
ago The Gemini Tape.
Can you reveal us also a producer that you would like to produce with, but you haven’t yet? 

We just met on the internet and start playing with samples and drums each other, he's the best guy I found to work with, I have that same love for samples… so it's easy.
More music with SNK∆ is coming of course. We just startin.

11. Which is the last record that you played and loved, and that you feel to share and advise
to other people? 

The Ensemble El Salaam - The Sojourner 

12. What about your next release? What do you like to say about the project with Cosmic Composition? How did you meet this Auckland-based netlabel? 

I also met the guy who run that label also on the internet, I first knew that Tumblr I got and after we connected and talk about release some music, I'm working on a serious album with them that should be pressed on vinyl on hhv with a lot of cats rappers 

13. Leave us your contact to submit and follow your music, to book a show with you. If you
like to say something more, feel free to tell what you prefer. And thanks a lot for the
attention and good vibes


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