In arrivo il nuovo attesissimo disco di Mistaman e DJ Shocca: stiamo parlando di "Scatola Nera". Il rapper di Treviso fa sapere tramite il profilo ufficiale di Facebook che il disco è pronto e che presto sarà fuori. Non ci resta che aspettare il lavoro di due dei massimi rappresentanti della scena italiana!
Louis ShunGu is a belgium beatmaker based in Bruxelles, we met him a couple of months ago and we instantly appreciate his style on the beats: he's part of the incredible number of good producer that we follow on Soundcloud, and release after release, beat after beat we listened to him and started to think about an interview. Now it's a reality, we joined him virtually and talk as usual about the art of make a beat. He's a good guy, we can just say thanks to him for disposability and advise everybody about his releases. Check out the astrological series of EPs with Hot Record Société , the last release with Cosmic Composition and follow him on Soundcloud. Support from Italy to ShunGu, have a good time bro, we see you! INTERVIEW 1. Which was your first contact in absolute with hip hop culture? (like tags on walls and trains, b-boy’s dance etc.etc.) It was Mc Solaar, its a french mc, he was the first guy to give me that hip hop love... 2. Did you start from the beginn...
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